Church School
You are invited to any one of our Bible-based classes designed for children and adults of all ages every Sunday morning at 8:45AM via Zoom, Facebook or at the church.
Commission on Christian Education
We believe that Christian education undergirds every ministry of the Church. The Commission ensures that all ministries apply biblical principles, application to daily living and makes careful study of Christian education needs of the local church and then promotes and develops initiatives to meet these needs.
Media Ministry
We apply various technical resources to support the operation of our audio, print and video messaging. This ministry develops, produces and records worship, Christian education messaging and historical records for distribution via social media and other outlets. The aim is to share the Good News of Jesus and maintain clear and effective communication as a viable resource for the Fairburn community and the Church.
The Virginia Henderson Harris Lay Organization
Sister Harris, the organizer of our local church’s first lay ministry was a faithful model as a Christian woman, equipped and capable to serve by offering her skills not only to Saint John but also served as the District Lay president and a world-wide Connection officer. The legacy of her instills love and appreciation for the history, tradition, and principles of African Methodism. The organization promotes support of the total church program by fostering systemic and regular study; provides information regarding the church and denomination; and encourages participation in the total church. The Lay organization complements the church’s ministries/commissions, and auxiliaries by supporting their efforts.
The Edith White Ming Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)
Mother Ming served as the Sixth Episcopal District’s Supervisor from 1994 to 1998, as the first lady of the Right Reverend Donald Kenneth Ming. Equipped as a life-long member of the church and by applying her leadership qualities into the WMS, she provided direction that expanded mission service not only locally but also globally over four continents through the church and community. By naming our local society after this magnificent woman of God, it is our way of remembering the visionary leader and her motto to “Press On.” To this end, we are engaged in outreach ministries of Saint John that serve the local community and beyond.
Board of Stewards
Stewards are the pastor’s cabinet and serve as personal advisors. They support the pastor by sharing in spiritual responsibilities including comforting the bereaved, maintaining contact with the sick and shut-in members through regular contact and mailing of cards, and carry out special projects assigned by the Senior Pastor. Stewards are spiritual leaders of the church.
Board of Trustees
Trustees are responsible for the temporal concerns of the church. They maintain and secure all the real and personal property of the church. From making sure that our Church Home is clean and well maintained and prepared to meet worshippers or serve the community, trustees facilitate these duties and many more.
Stewardess Board
The sacred dressing of the pulpit, chancery, and altar rail for Holy Communion, Baptism, funerals, and memorials, as well as for the various liturgical seasons is carried out by a group of members, seasoned saints, who exemplify in their character and service that the Church is Holy Ground. They are the first and the last to serve where the sacraments of the Church are performed.
Doorkeepers and Greeters Ministry
Scripture says: “I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Those members who serve as doorkeepers provide a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for all worshippers. Meeting and assisting them is an easy job to SJC ushers who are called to serve with an open and friendly spirit. It is always our prayer that every person who enters the service will be blessed through the worship and fellowship. Everyone who serves in this ministry is supported through programs and events of fellowship and often provides support to persons in need in the community through independent and joint efforts.
Youth Ministries (YPD-Young People’s Division)
Through spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and economical developmental activities, youth and young adults in the church and the community between the ages of 2-26 are welcomed to the YPD’s wholistic approach to Christian ministry. Opportunities for networking with other Christian youth within the connectional A.M.E. Church occur at every level. From the local setting to global ministry our young people are trained and prepared for leadership and service.
Men’s Fellowship
Through biblical study just for men, a mentoring programming and various activities, men can participate in faith-based fellowship and play a supportive role in the church.
Richard Allen Youth Council (RAYAC)
The RAYAC is a ministry for young adults between the ages of 18-40. The goal of the RAYAC is to retain young adults commitment to the Lord, the church, and to lead young adults to use their gifts and talents in the service of the Lord. The RAYAC utilize their gifts through leading worship on 2nd Sunday, fellowship, and Bible study.
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